Hear what alumni have to say:

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Student Success Stories

Rebekah Lowell

I’ve been overwhelmed by portfolio creation for two years. I've started and stopped other portfolios, even tried a template, but none of them felt right. Enter "InDesign Your Portfolio.” It was a no-brainer for me. I love learning from Genna. The way she walks you through the process, from the ground up, makes creating a portfolio feel possible. Feeling a confidence boost, I even sent out a pitch with my new portfolio the next day! Within weeks, I received an offer from a fabric company and have now signed my first art licensing contract as a fabric designer for PBS Fabrics.

Katrina Henry

I’ve been dragging my feet for about a year to get a portfolio done. I had created so many unnecessary barriers. But I really appreciated Genna’s approach to “done is better then perfect” and that we don’t need to have everything figured out before starting to pitch. I completed my portfolio so quickly once Genna taught me how to use Adobe InDesign. I am excited to start pitching to potential clients and there’s nothing standing in my way! Thanks so much Genna! I probably would’ve dragged my feet for many more months without your course. And now I have a new skill in using Adobe InDesign. 

Michael Sheridan

The InDesign Your Portfolio course is a nugget of gold for surface pattern designers and illustrators who want to use the latest Adobe software to create and publish a professional portfolio online and in print. Genna's teaching style is direct and to the point with meaningful examples, and tips and tricks for making the most out of Adobe InDesign. This course is an absolute must for anyone seeking to publish a professional portfolio. With Genna's assistance, I was surprised at how easy the program is to use, even for a beginner, like me. Now I have the tools necessary for publishing my portfolio.

Vivi Furlong

I’ve been using InDesign for years but I’ve learned a lot, and I got to create my portfolio alongside. I never thought I could do it on time, but the course was really easy to follow. Thanks, Genna! You are a great teacher!

Melissa McKeagney

I had tried to cobble together a portfolio by taking classes on Skillshare, but was unsatisfied with my result. After taking Genna’s course, I was able to put together a clean, professional looking portfolio imbued with my own personal design style and aesthetic. I’m feeling excited and proud to begin pitching my work to potential clients!

Annie Holmquist

The course helped me to gain the confidence I was lacking working with InDesign. I now have a beautiful, professionally created portfolio to share with art directors. Genna takes you through the entire process with ease and explains it simply. I really enjoyed this class and would highly recommend it. 

Julia Simons (Seek to Spring)

Wow! What a game changer! I have been working in Adobe InDesign for about 10 years and never really understood its full potential. Since taking this course, I have established a greater understanding of the program in addition to a much more efficient workflow. The classes are clear and easy to follow with the help of Genna’s wonderful teaching skills. I’m happy to say that my confidence in using this program has grown immensely and I have a clear foundation for creating more publications in the future!!

Natalie Excell (Vine Art & Design)

Genna’s course was brilliant and I’d highly recommend it, even for those feeling a little unsure if they’re ‘ready’ yet because you can add to it as you go. (In some ways that’s actually easier than having tons of work to sort through!) With 3 mini collections and some greeting card designs, I’ve ended up with a 24 page portfolio that reflects the mood of my brand and style. The course was straightforward and in no time I went from feeling not ready, to feeling quite accomplished and ready to start pitching! Genna’s style is down-to-earth and concise, and she’s thought of everything! Expect step-by-step guidance and helpful tips along the way. 5 stars!

Janet Hild

Genna’s gentle, direct method of teaching works so well for me. The information was easy to follow and I didn’t feel overwhelmed by receiving too much all at once. I am proud of the result of creating a shareable portfolio that showcases my work in a clean simple format. It is something I have been wanting to do for a long time and didn’t find the right teacher to get me there until now.

I'm in! Let's do this!

Putting together a design portfolio has been on my to-do list for a long time. I kept putting it off because I really did not know InDesign well enough. I had used Illustrator before to create a portfolio, but that program is really not meant for something like that and my files would be huge and often crash. I learned InDesign in college, BUT I found it very intimidating and therefore avoided it for years. I am SO happy I decided to take Genna’s course. She broke everything down making it very easy to understand and execute. I now feel good about using this program and I am very excited about the portfolio I am creating (and will be able to easily update!). I would recommend this course to anyone who feels a bit intimidated by InDesign.

Tracy Beagen

Enrollment ClosesĀ April 24 at 11:59pm EDT